
A Viking’s Walkabout: | Prologue | Day 01 Calif. to Az. | Day 02 Az. to N.M. | Day 03 N.M. to Colo. | Day 04 Colo. | Day 05 Colo., Kan., Neb. | Day 06 Part 1 Neb. | Day 6 Part 2 Neb. to S.D. | Day 07 S.D., Wy., Mont. | Day 08 Mont. to Alta. | Day 09 Alta. (Banff) | Day 10 Alta. (Grande Cache) | Day 11 Alta. to B.C. | Day 12 B.C. to Yukon | Day 13 Yukon | Day 14 Yukon to Alaska | Day 15 Alaska (Coldfoot) | Day 16 Part 1 Alaska (Atigun Pass) | Day 16 Part 2 Alaska (Deadhorse) | Day 17 Alaska (Prudhoe Bay) | Day 18 Alaska (Fairbanks) | Day 19 Alaska (Anchorage) | Day 20 Alaska (Anchorage) | Day 21 Alaska (Tok) | Day 22 Alaska to Yukon | Day 23 Yukon | Day 24 Yukon to B.C. | Day 25 B.C. (Prince Rupert) | Day 26 B.C. (Prince George) | Day 27 B.C. (Vancouver) | Day 28 B.C. to Wash. | Day 29 Wash. to Or. | Day 30 Or. | Day 31 Or. to Calif. | Day 32 Calif. |

  • A Viking’s Walkabout – Prologue

    A Viking’s Walkabout – Prologue

    In 1993 I envisioned a trip from Patagonia to Prudhoe Bay. For 30 years I have held onto this dream while building a career funding infrastructure projects. And what is a continent-spanning road if not one of the greatest of projects possible? My goal: Depart L.A., reach the Arctic Ocean, solo, and return safely…

  • A Viking’s Walkabout – Day 32

    A Viking’s Walkabout – Day 32

    Sacramento to Orange County, Calif.

  • A Viking’s Walkabout – Day 31

    A Viking’s Walkabout – Day 31

    Klamath Falls, Or. to Crater Lake to Lassen National Park to Sacramento, Calif.

  • A Viking’s Walkabout – Day 30

    A Viking’s Walkabout – Day 30

    Hillsboro, to Troutdale to Multnomah Falls, Or. to Bridge of the Gods to Hood River Bridge through Washington to Mt. Hood, Bend and Klamath Falls, Or.