A Viking’s Walkabout – Prologue

In 1993, while in high school, my friend Josh and I discovered the existence of the Pan-American Highway. We envisioned a trip from Ushuaia, Argentina to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. It took us a while to realize the impossibility of the trip. No vehicular road links North and South America across the 70-mile Darien Gap. And there the idea died.

For 30 years I have thought about this dream. I’ve read countless adventure travel stories. I’ve also carved out a career that involves transportation and infrastructure projects which is a huge part of my practice at Viking Navigation LLC. And what is a continent-spanning road if not one of the greatest of infrastructure projects possible? I therefore resolved to live a portion of my long-held dream while simultaneously checking out some cool infrastructure along the way.

My goal: To depart Orange Co., Calif., reach the Arctic Ocean near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, solo, and return safely… ideally in the same vehicle.

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